If I wait to take pictures so that I only capture the exciting, the memorable, the worth-looking-at, then I will never take any at all. Life is, after all, more mundane than exciting; more ordinary than extraordinary; more to be savoured moment-by-moment than endured for the next great excitement. And so I post here both mundane and memorable, as they come my way.
Greenling is a local food company that sells local and organic produce, grains, dairy, meat... everything, really.
We've just started buying from them, because it turns out their prices are really reasonable.
And I love this picture because the banana looks so cartoon-y. |
This boot was made for walkin'. |
This picture was on the narration post, but I posted it again because I think this store bears
repeating as often as possible. They were closed when we went by, but presumably they
have a costume for each of these characters. |
Why yes, I do live in the south; why do you ask? |
Chad thought it looked like the blue umbrella had called all the green umbrellas together for a meeting.
This is at one of the trailer parks in town-- food trailers, that is. |
One of the aforementioned food trailers. The one with the green umbrellas, in fact. |
This looks like a place I'd like to spend some time. |
The Hey, Cupcake! trailer. They have magnificent cupcakes. Come visit me and we'll go there. |
This is what they do to your car if it doesn't pass inspection. |
I can only suppose this is Fran. |
This mural is on the outside of a school. I'm guessing it was donated by the class of '05. |
A test pattern on the side of a barbershop. Why not? |
I just voted for this sign in a "Best of Austin" poll. Yes, "Best Sign" was one of the categories. |
I wanted a picture of the sidewalk, because it zigged and zagged around the landscaping, but you can't really
see that here. Instead, this is Chad squinting at the sun. |
I was trying to fly, to show SuperTarget how to do it. Neither I nor the Target were successful. |
Three-for-one day! 1L, 1M, and 101. And that's a 1L in the background, appropriately enough. |
The clock at the park-and-ride. Very cool, eh? |
The shade-giving kites at the park-and-ride. |
Directions to the various stops. I'm not sure how necessary this is, but it's nice that CapMetro made the effort. |
Toy Joy, a really fun store just north of campus.
As far as I'm concerned, this is a must-see for our visitors, but so far, none of them have agreed. |
Garden of Hope at a church. I'm pretty sure the statues are Mary and Joseph. The live one is Chad. |
Okay, it's kind of hard to see in this picture, but the far lane is packed and barely moving.
This is why I choose public transportation, because sitting in that would make me crazy. |
A bench. Nothing too exciting. |
A red door (yes, I know I have a real gift for description). |
To judge by the number of check-ins I see at La Madeline on Foursquare,
this is a popular place. I contented myself with taking a picture. |
We can't seem to resist frozen yogurt at the moment. |
A holding tank thing for water, to keep it from flooding the freeway, should it ever rain again.
Unfortunately, at the moment we have no need to hold any rain. |
We've decided that we must get a picture of one of us at
a bus stop on every journey. If you enlarge the pic, you can
see the sign for the #3 in the corner. |
I'm guessing they make omelettes here. |
A thrift store which, to my regret, had just closed for the day when I arrived. But how cute
is that drawer set on the roof? |
This was outside Top Drawer. |
I never turn down the chance to take a picture of something with one of my
siblings' names on it. |
I didn't even notice this from the bus, but I thought the artwork was pretty enough
to merit a picture. |
Taco Shack. |
Another shop that I would have happily gone into, but which was not open. |
You'll need to enlarge this one for full effect. I took the picture because of the unlikely
juxtaposition of two services; the hair salon in front, and appropriately enough, the
colorectal doctors in the back. |
Another unlikely one-- a pub + a dentist. Both in the same building. |
This is the outdoor seating at the pub, complete with water jets to cool people off. |
Nothing says "Medical Office" like some towers at the corners, presumably for
locking up difficult patients. |
I don't know why this stop is so sublime. Perhaps because it's shady? |
Marathon Boulevard! The Austin Marathon does not, however, run down this
street (at least, not in the past five or so years). |
At first, this seemed like the sort of place I'd like to check out... |
... until I saw the inside. Guess they're out of business. |
A factory! For the yummy goodness that are kolaches! |
When we first moved here, I thought this was a local chain. I'm still kind of
bummed that it isn't. |
They do, however, have the best bike racks. |
Waterloo Ice House. Note that the sawed-off bits of the canoes have not been wasted. |
That's Children's Clothing on the left and The Birkenstock Shop on
the right. Presumably, the circle in the middle is for frisbeees or footballs
or whatever when the employees get bored. |